World War I

  1. 4. Event that happened on November 11 at 11am to end the fighting during the war
  2. 6. Wilson Name of the president of the US during the First World War
  3. 7. The taking over of other lands, usually in less industrially developed areas by stronger countries for the natural and human resources
  4. 10. Flu Name of the global pandemic that infected 500 million and killed as many as 50 million
  5. 11. Crisis Event when Austria-Hungary took the Balkans, a part of the Ottoman Empire, which had been weakening for decades
  6. 15. Belief in the superiority of one's own nation over others; actions taken for the success of one country at the expense of another
  7. 16. War A war that draws on all of society's military, economic, and civilian resources
  8. 18. Treaty of _______________; ended the first world war officially, punishing Germany for the entire war
  9. 21. Republic Name of the new German government following the removal of the Kaiser in 1918
  10. 24. Fight to take back a French fort system; not a meaningful victory
  11. 25. Check Policy Name of the agreement between Germany and Austria-Hungary where Germany promised to help with whatever, whenever, against whomever.
  12. 27. New class of battleship made my the British during an arms race with Germany
  13. 29. Scary new weapons that Germans used'
  14. 32. Austria-Hungary issued an _____________ to Serbia
  1. 1. Countries competing to build the biggest strongest military; included the belief that some conflict was good
  2. 2. Name of the Russian revolution of 1918
  3. 3. Type of warfare the Germans turned to in 1916; goal was to win by wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse through losses in their economy and morale
  4. 5. Franz ___________; name of the Austro-Hungarian heir that was assassinated
  5. 8. belief that progress is good and that humanity must continue to ask questions for the betterment of human kind
  6. 9. Name of the passenger ship that was sunk by the German submarines, earning them a warning from the United States
  7. 10. Name of the new Russian government that signed a treaty with Germany in 1918
  8. 11. Hand Group that was responsible for assassinating the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne
  9. 12. Name of the alliance group that was made up of Germany, Italy, and Austria Hungary (Triple _______________)
  10. 13. Plan Name of the Germany plan that cut through a neutral country to get to France
  11. 14. The only naval battle of the entire war in which both sides had battleships
  12. 16. Winter Name given to the winter of 1916-1917 in Germany in which the civilians were starving
  13. 17. Genocide Mass extermination of the Armenians carried out by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923
  14. 19. First use of tanks; joint British and French offensive between July and November 1916
  15. 20. ditches dug for troops to take cover in
  16. 22. First World War was the first ______ war due to the involvement of scientists and physicists in the development of weapons and other war technology
  17. 23. name of the german submarines
  18. 26. Name of the neutral country that Germany cut through to get to France
  19. 28. What Defense of the Realm Act is abbreviated to
  20. 30. Germany sent the Zimmerman Telegraph to _______ in an attempt to keep the US out of the war
  21. 31. Name of the alliance group that was made up of Britain, France, Russia, and the United States (Triple ________________)