World War I

  1. 7. Clause in the Treaty of Versailles in which Germany had to accept sole responsibility for the war, including all deaths, losses, and damages.
  2. 9. A deep devotion to one's nation that can serve as a unifying force within a country, but also a dividing force between countries.
  3. 12. Growing rivalries and mutual mistrust led to the creation of different military groups as a mutual defense strategy.
  4. 16. German battle strategy to prevent a war on two fronts, in which they would attack both fronts but in separate times.
  5. 18. An agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time, also known as truce.
  6. 20. Unofficial ceasefires around Christmas of 1914 in which enemy soldiers buried their dead, sang carols, exchanged food and played soccer.
  7. 21. Area of land between two enemy trench systems, not controlled by either side, and full of barbed wire, dead bodies and craters from artillery.
  1. 1. Last name of the German who wrote a telegram to the Mexican government, stating that they would help Mexico reconquer the land it lost to the US if they allied with Germany.
  2. 2. A bloody civil war and one of the causes why Russia surrendered in WWI and left.
  3. 3. Territorial and economic competition for overseas empires led to increasing rivalries.
  4. 4. Weapon that fires ammunition automatically that could wipe out waves of attackers and thus made it difficult for enemy forces to advance.
  5. 5. Weapon, also known as U-boat, that could sink ships with its primary weapon: the torpedo.
  6. 6. A demand or statement of terms followed by a threat with no negotiations allowed that must be complied in a specific period of time.
  7. 8. Weapon that was an armored combat vehicle that could cross many types of terrain.
  8. 10. Policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war.
  9. 11. A large-scale conflict that takes action on several continents and involves the participation of many countries.
  10. 13. Situation in which further action or progress by opposing groups seems impossible.
  11. 14. Weapon that caused temporary or permanent blindness, severe blisters, and even death by choking.
  12. 15. International association to safeguard world peace, precursor of the United Nations.
  13. 17. Holes dug by soldiers to escape enemy fire in which this war was fought.
  14. 19. Governments imposed this system in which civilians could buy only small amounts of the items that were also needed for the war effort, for example sugar and meat.