World War I

  1. 4. devotion to your culture/nation and their interests
  2. 5. Wilson's plan for peace after WWI
  3. 8. area between the trenches on the fronts
  4. 10. France, Britain, & the United States
  5. 14. country that left the war early to have a revolution instead
  6. 15. glorification and increased spending for the military
  7. 16. type of slow moving warfare with dug-in soldiers during WWI
  8. 17. wide scale development of industries
  9. 19. money that has to be paid for the damages caused
  10. 20. Germany, Austria-Hungary, & the Ottoman Empire
  11. 22. wide spread war that affects all aspects of society, including civilians being attacked
  12. 24. Germany's plan to avoid a two-front war
  13. 25. not helping or supporting either side in a conflict
  14. 27. treaty that allowed Russia to leave WWI
  15. 28. treaty that ended WWI
  1. 1. economic & political control of weaker nations
  2. 2. group responsible for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand
  3. 3. area of battles between Germany & Russia
  4. 6. area of battles near France
  5. 7. new technology developed to guard against chlorine gas attacks
  6. 9. stated that Germany was fully responsible for starting WWI
  7. 11. British ship sank in 1915; caused American deaths
  8. 12. message that offered Mexico parts of the US if they joined the Central Powers
  9. 13. alliance of
  10. 18. German submarines
  11. 21. another name for "the Allies" of WWI
  12. 23. assassin that killed the Archduke in 1914
  13. 26. another name for the “Central Powers”