World War I

  1. 1. British passenger ship sunk by German U-boat in 1915
  2. 4. payments for war damages
  3. 6. aggressive strengthening of armed forces
  4. 8. American ________ Force
  5. 9. ______ Powers: Alliance of Austria-Hungary and Germany
  6. 10. people who favor the equal distribution of wealth and the end of all forms of private property
  7. 11. situation in which neither side can win a decisive victory
  8. 13. issued to raise billions of dollars for the Allies’ war effort
  9. 15. secret telegram from the German foreign minister to Mexico proposing an alliance against the US
  10. 17. ______ of Nations
  11. 18. Treaty of ________
  12. 19. senator who led Republican opposition to ratification of the Treaty of Versailles
  1. 2. German U-boats
  2. 3. truce between opponents that ends hostilities
  3. 5. ______ Warfare: defending a position by fighting from deep ditches
  4. 7. prepare military for war
  5. 12. Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of _____ was assassinated in 1914
  6. 14. ______ Service Act
  7. 16. ______ Powers: Alliance among France, Russia, and Britain