World War I

  1. 2. World War I was the first " " war
  2. 3. the United States enters the war
  3. 4. Competition for colonies as a source of raw materials
  4. 6. Extreme pride in one's country
  5. 8. Served as nurses, secretaries and phone operates
  6. 9. Assassinated by Gavrilo Princip
  7. 13. Formed with other countries to protect each other
  8. 15. Member of the group Black Hand
  9. 17. Neutral due to the policy of Isolationism
  10. 18. the final point called for developing an assassination of nations to prevent wars
  1. 1. Blamed for the war by the Treaty of Versailles
  2. 3. Declares war on Serbia
  3. 5. The U.S. enters the war after the interception of the
  4. 7. Forces Russia to leave the war
  5. 10. Building up militaries to protect colonies
  6. 11. Germany blames " " and communists for the war
  7. 12. GreatBritainFranceRussia
  8. 14. Troops fought in
  9. 16. Powers GermanyAustriaHungaryItaly
  10. 17. Germany's response to the British blockade