World War I

  1. 1. World War I started when this man was killed.
  2. 5. One of the inventions used for the first time.
  3. 6. This country was blamed for this man's death.
  4. 10. The war on the Western Front was fought primarily by armies living in ____.
  5. 12. The ship that was sunk by the Germans.
  6. 13. Germany and Austria-Hungary were called this nickname.
  7. 14. The war ended in this month when the Allies forced the Germans to retreat.
  8. 15. This country entered the war in 1917 because of Germany's attack on their ships.
  1. 2. Great Britain, France, and Russia were known as this group.
  2. 3. Russia signed a peace treaty with this country in 1918.
  3. 4. An agreement among nations to support one another in time of war.
  4. 7. What continent's map changed after the war?
  5. 8. The United States send nearly ______ soldiers to fight in World War I.
  6. 9. At the Battle of Marne, the fighting stopped at this imaginary line that ran from Belgium to the border of Switzerland.
  7. 11. This imaginary line stretched from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea.
  8. 16. One of the inventions used for the first time.