World War I Crossword puzzle

  1. 3. Vladimir ___________________ led the Bolsheviks who worked to end the Provisional Government in Russia.
  2. 4. The Germans used ______________________ (Submarines) to sink allied ships.
  3. 5. The government used ________________ (AKA Draft) to require citizens to serve in the military.
  4. 9. Woodrow Wilson's plan for peace in Europe after World War I was known as the _________ points.
  5. 11. An armistice was signed on ___________________ 11, 1918 ending the fighting of World War I.
  6. 14. A _____________ War took place between the Reds and Whites from 1918-1921.
  7. 15. The _____________________ was a British cruise liner that was sunk by German U-Boat 20 killing 1198 passengers including 128 Americans.
  8. 19. The area between the trenches on the Western front was known as _____________.
  9. 20. Archduke Franz __________________ was assassinated on June 28, 1914 starting World War I.
  10. 21. European nations practiced _____________________ to gain political and economic control of other territories and peoples.
  11. 22. _____________________ is when the government promotes the military to defend its interests.
  12. 23. Woodrow __________________ was President of the United States during World War I.
  13. 25. ___________________ gas was one of the weapons used against troops during World War I.
  1. 1. __________________ were large rigid ships filled with gasbags used by Germans to bomb targets during World War I
  2. 2. The treaty of _________________ officially ended the war.
  3. 6. The _________________ powers of World War I were made up of the countries of Austria Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Germany.
  4. 7. European Countries competed to control the Continents of Asia and ________________.
  5. 8. Government _____________________ was used to get people to buy Liberty Bonds and support the war effort.
  6. 10. Czar __________________ II was Emperor of Russia during World War I.
  7. 12. ____________________ is political system in which the means of production are controlled by the workers and all goods and services are distributed evenly.
  8. 13. The ______________ powers of World War I were made up of the countries of Russia, Great Britain, United States, and France
  9. 16. The Zimmerman ________________________ was a message sent from Germany to Mexico encouraging them to join the Central Powers and wage war against The United States.
  10. 17. _____________________ is the belief that your country is superior to other countries.
  11. 18. An _________________ is a union formed for mutual benefits.
  12. 24. The ___________ service act of 1917 drafted millions of men into service during World War I.
  13. 26. ________________ materials are basic goods from which a product is made such as (Cotton, Gold, and Timber).