World War I Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. This was a statement issued by the British government in 1917 during WWI, supporting the Zionist goal of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This was done to garner support for the Allies in neutral countries in WWI, such as the United States and Russia, where there were existing Jewish populations.
  2. 6. This was a major battle in WWI that was fought by the British and French forces against the German forces. It took place between July 1 and November 18, 1916, and even though it was intended to be a joint Anglo-French offensive that would achieve a breakthrough on the Western Front, it turned into one of the deadliest battles in human history, with over one million casualties on both sides.
  3. 8. This was one of the four main causes of World War I. It included the policy of showcasing and glorifying a country's military might,strengthening a nation's military forces, and keeping an army ready for battle.
  4. 10. Formed in 1920, this became the first worldwide intergovernmental organization. This was formed as per the terms of the Treaty of Versailles after World War I, and its main goal was to maintain world peace by reducing conflicts with diplomatic efforts.
  5. 11. This method of fighting began in 1914 when both sides began digging trenches for protection when old military tactics of fighting in the open didn't work due to the development of new and deadly weapons.
  6. 15. This was a secret agreement between Britain and France, with the knowledge of Russia, to carve up the Ottoman Empire, as well as other parts of the Middle East after WWI among the Allied Forces. It was considered as one of the many broken promises in World War I.
  7. 16. This was a formal or informal agreement between two or more countries to work together for a certain goal, or to support each other in a war. Examples of this include the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. This was one of the main causes of WWI.
  1. 1. This was the area between the two opposing lines of trenches on a battlefield, where soldiers were the most vulnerable to enemy fire. In trench warfare tactics used in World War I, soldiers would run across this area, taking enemy fire, in order to capture enemy trenches.
  2. 2. This was a psychological condition, now known as PTSD, that many soldiers who had experienced the horrors of warfare would suffer from during WWI. Symptoms of this condition included fatigue, tremors, confusion, inability to focus, nightmares, flashbacks, stammering and stuttering, headaches, and emotional detachment.
  3. 3. The assassination of this Austro-Hungarian Archduke triggered the start of WWI.
  4. 4. This was one of the four main causes of World War I. This, along with rivalry, saw several nations seeking to dominate other countries politically, socially, economically, and for territorial reasons. Examples of this include the Fashoda Incident, and Germany and France's disagreements over Morocco.
  5. 7. This was an agreement between three European nations, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, that was formed in May 1882 and expired in 1915 during WWI. This military alliance fought against their European enemies' alliance during the war.
  6. 9. This was a diplomatic alignment of Great Britain, France, and Russia in WWI, but one of its members left in 1917 due to a revolution. This group of countries fought against another European alliance during WWI.
  7. 12. This was the belief that ones national culture and interests are superior to any other, and lead to feelings of great pride and unity for the citizens in a country. It was one of the four main causes of WWI, and led to some countries wanting to seek revenge for previous wars, battles, and territories they had lost to other nations.
  8. 13. Signed between the Allied Powers and the Weimar Republic (Germany) on June 28, 1919, this treaty officially ended World War I. Many saw this treaty as unfair towards Germany, as it put sole responsibility on the country for the start of WWI, and made Germany pay extremely high reparations that would destroy their economy.
  9. 14. This was the name of the parliamentary republic established in Germany after the defeat of the German Empire in World War I. This Republic signed the Treaty of Versailles to represent Germany, and lasted from 1919 to 1933.