World War I Crossword Review

  1. 2. treaty ending World War I (3 words)
  2. 3. process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its worn allegiances and government
  3. 6. payments for war damage
  4. 7. a war where one's enemy is worn down to the point of collapse by continuous losses in the people, food and war weapons (3 words)
  5. 10. all people and resources to the war effort and imposing censorship of the press (2 words)
  6. 15. peace plan by President Wilson that called for the League of Nations (2 words)
  7. 16. deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat the other
  8. 17. international assembly of nations: goal to keep peace among nations
  9. 19. area between two trenches of two fronts (3 words)
  10. 20. Germany's plan for fighting France and Russia (2 words)
  1. 1. building up armed forces, getting ready for war
  2. 4. revolution in Russia which allowed for them to make peace with Germany (2 words)
  3. 5. having pride in your country, willing to defend it
  4. 8. treaty between Germany and Russia that allowed German troops to concentrate all of their troops on the Western front (3 words)
  5. 9. message from Germany to the German ambassador to Mexico proposing a Mexican-German alliance (2words)
  6. 11. agreement to stop fighting
  7. 12. representatives from Britain, U.S., France, and Italy who wrote the Treaty of Versailles (2 words)
  8. 13. trying to build up an empire, by taking control of weaker nations
  9. 14. groups of merchant ships surrounded by military ships for protection
  10. 18. agreements or promises to defend and help another country