World War I Fun Facts

  1. 5. The term “World War I” was first used by Time Magazine in their issue on June 12th, 1939. Prior to this, it was known as the _____ ___.
  2. 6. Over _____ nations were involved in the First World War between 1914 and 1918.
  3. 7. About 2.35 million _____ soldiers were mobilized during the First World War, with 250,000 dying.
  4. 10. ______ on the front line in France could sometimes be heard in London, England.
  5. 11. Future British Prime Minister Winston Churchill oversaw the failed _____ campaign, leading him to resign from the Government and enlist in the army.
  6. 12. The youngest soldier to join the British Army was just _____ years old when he lied about his age to enlist in August 1915.
  7. 13. The most successful fighter pilot of the entire war was German fighter pilot Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen, or the "___ _____"; He shot down 80 planes, more than any other WWI pilot.
  8. 14. There was a series of temporary ceasefires across the Western Front around _____ 1914 lasting up to a week in some areas.
  9. 15. _____ had the largest army, with over 12 million troops mobilizing during World War I.
  1. 1. People in the U.S. were encouraged to plant "_____ ____" so the farm-grown produce could be sent to the front lines.
  2. 2. Over 12,000 ____ _____ served in the US Army during World War I.
  3. 3. Tanks were initially called “______” but were renamed to “tanks” in order to preserve secrecy.
  4. 4. During WWI, France built a ‘Fake _____’ near its capital city to confuse German pilots.
  5. 8. Allied soldiers sometimes used ____ _____ as lamps in the trenches.
  6. 9. During WWI, ____ were used as messengers and carried orders to the front lines in capsules attached to their bodies.