World War I Review

  1. 1. A large amount of fighting, including the Battles of Verdun, Marne and the Somme took place in this Allied Power country.
  2. 3. Some new strategies included _____________ weapons such as Mustard and Chlorine Gas.
  3. 6. Pride in one's country.
  4. 8. Competition for colonies.
  5. 9. The building up of armies and navies.
  6. 10. The new style of fighting used in WWI (it wasn't very effective!)
  7. 12. The Eastern front of the war closed after the ___________________.
  8. 16. Germany used unrestricted _____________ warfare in the waters near the fighting during WWI.
  9. 17. All countries in the war used _____________ to convince their citizens to keep fighting.
  10. 21. This was the nickname for American soldiers during WWI.
  11. 22. Food supplies ran low due to feeding troops and many countries relied on _____________, a system of controlling the sale of certain products at home.
  12. 24. This Central Power country was blamed with starting the war.
  13. 25. This was the nickname for the Balkans, an area of intense Nationalist activity waiting for a spark to start major conflict.
  14. 26. This new Balkan country was the first invaded during the war.
  1. 1. With all available men fighting, women began working at ____________.
  2. 2. This Central Power country was known as the "sick man of Europe" due to its poor economy.
  3. 4. Secret Deals between many European countries.
  4. 5. The leaders of the Major countries in the War met to discuss a peace treaty at ______________.
  5. 7. After the assassination of the heir to their throne, this country declared war.
  6. 11. His assassination triggered the start of World War One.
  7. 12. Germany was forced to pay _________________ to cover the cost of the war for England and France.
  8. 13. The Weapons of WWI were more effective at killing thanks to the ________________ Revolution.
  9. 14. During the first years of the war the US maintained ___________ and avoided picking a side.
  10. 15. The sinking of this ship helped bring the US into WWI.
  11. 16. For three years no side was able to win the war, this is known as a ______________.
  12. 18. On 11/11/1918 all fighting stopped when an ______________ was declared.
  13. 19. Most of the fighting took place on the East and West __________.
  14. 20. This Allied Power country was the world's greatest Imperial power at the time of the war.
  15. 23. World war I is also known as the first _____________, a war where all of a nation's resources are used to fight.
  16. 25. This 19-year old assassin is blamed with starting World War One.