World War I Review

  1. 2. The US had this position in the beginning of WWI about getting involved
  2. 4. France, Great Britain, Russia, and the US were called the _______ powers
  3. 6. military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire
  4. 7. form of combat where soldiers took shelter in the ditches during WWI
  5. 9. This war strategy focused on defeating France first and then Russia
  6. 12. This was the area between the trenches during trench warfare
  7. 16. The Treaty of Versailles blamed this country for causing WWI
  8. 18. He was the president of the US during WWI
  9. 19. The policy of glorifying military power
  10. 20. The assassination of this archduke was the spark that started WWI
  11. 21. Germany took over this country first on its way to battling France
  12. 22. Britain used their navy to enforce this so that supplies could not get into Germany
  13. 23. temporary agreement to stop fighting, a truce
  1. 1. Wilson's plan for world peace following WWI
  2. 3. alliance between France, Russia, and Great Britain
  3. 5. This terrorist group was responsible for the assassination of the Archduke of Austria
  4. 8. Germany was forced to pay these as the cost of the war
  5. 10. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy were called the ________ Powers
  6. 11. international organization created to keep peace after WWI
  7. 13. The Zimmerman Letter proposed an agreement between Germany and this country
  8. 14. passenger ship that was sunk, that caused US to enter into WWI
  9. 15. loyalty and devotion to one's nation
  10. 17. German submarine