World War I Review

  1. 2. Who led the American Expeditionary Force that sided with the Allies in World War I? (three words) (JOINS)
  2. 5. By 1914, Europe had divided into two blocs, each containing three countries. People thought this ______ would keep the peace. (three words) (ALLIANCES)
  3. 6. This treaty gave Germany an advantage by Russia giving them strategic territory on the Eastern front so Germany could send troops to the Western front. (four words, use correct punctuation) (JOINS)
  4. 13. The term for an agreement to end the fighting of a war. (JOINS)
  5. 14. The development of Alliances before the start of World Warw I were basedupon the placement of what country? (ALLIANCES)
  6. 16. The name of the peace agreement decided upon at the World Peace Conference in Paris in 1919? (POST)
  7. 18. Ethnic groups demanding their own countries or independence from their mother countries is an example of which of the five causes of World War I? (CAUSES)
  8. 23. A policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs. (CAUSES)
  9. 25. The term for defense agreements among nations. (CAUSES)
  10. 26. The name of the action taken by Great Britain to prevent Germany from getting supplies, even from the United States. (two words) (NEUT)
  11. 27. To have or to show success. (CAUSES)
  12. 31. In 1881, Germany's chancellor made a "friendship with Austria-Hungary and Russia to combat their geographical location. This was called the "Three Emperor's League", which in German is: (ALLIANCES)
  13. 32. The term for the limitation of use of a product, particularly in wartime. (HOME)
  14. 33. What two countries HATED each other? (two words - alphabetical order) (ALLIANCES)
  15. 34. A feeling of intense loyalty to one's country or group. (CAUSES)
  1. 1. What weapon did Germany use against U.S. merchant ships going to Great Britain? (use correct punctuation) (NEUT)
  2. 3. Germany taking control of the territory of Alsace-Lorraine is an example of which of the five causes of World War I? (CAUSES)
  3. 4. The United States lending money to Great Britain and France could be seen as an example which of the five causes of World War I? (CAUSES)
  4. 7. The group that President Wilson created and very much wanted to see through; however, the US Senate decided against becoming apart of.
  5. 8. A trench that was the closest to where the fighting was expected to be. (three words, use correct punctuation) (TRENCH)
  6. 9. Which battle saved Paris from German invasion, but made clear that a stalemate would occur on the Western front? (four words) (MOD)
  7. 10. The term for ideas or information designed and spread to influence opinion. (HOME)
  8. 11. What is the name of the group that led the Russian Revolution of 1917? (JOINS)
  9. 12. What was the name of the agreement between Germany and the United States regarding submarine warfare? (two words) (NEUT)
  10. 15. In addition to his friendship with Austria-Hungary and Russia, what other nation did Germany enter into an agreement with in 1882? (ALLIANCES)
  11. 17. The term for the gathering of resources and the preparation for war. (HOME)
  12. 19. What country intercepted the Zimmerman Telegram? (two words) (JOINS)
  13. 20. People who share a common heritage or ancestry. (two words) (CAUSES)
  14. 21. What was the most deadly weapon used during World War I? (two words) (MOD)
  15. 22. Who did President Wilson appoint to oversee the Food Administration? (two words) (HOME)
  16. 24. What nation did Russia enter into an alliance with after Kaiser Wilhelm (and his silly mustache) turned on them? (ALLIANCES)
  17. 28. What was the name of the plan the Germans used to try and surprise the French? (two words with correct punctuation) (TRENCH)
  18. 29. A buildup or strengthening of a country's military. (CAUSES)
  19. 30. The nickname for American soldiers. (JOINS)