World War I Vocab

  1. 2. Raising prices
  2. 4. Act passed by congress in 1917 to serve penalties to anyone in acts of treason.
  3. 7. A telegram written by German Foreign Minister Zimmerman to Mexico for an Alliance to fight the U.S.
  4. 8. This Board regulated the industries engaged in the war.
  5. 10. A person whose beliefs forbid them from fighting in the war.
  6. 15. A nation that owes less to other nations than other nations owe that nation.
  7. 16. Merchant ships traveling together and were protected by warships.
  8. 17. A series of attacks in the early 1920's against suspected radicals and communists begun by General Palmer.
  9. 19. Movement of the African American population of the south to move to the North.
  1. 1. Military glorification
  2. 3. A world organization to promote cooperation.
  3. 5. Government agency created during WWI to encourage the citizens to support the war.
  4. 6. An act passed by congress to draft men into the military in 1917
  5. 8. Republican candidate for the election of Ohio.
  6. 9. A document written by President Woodrow Wilson on resolving the War and Wars after it.
  7. 11. A right for people to choose their own government.
  8. 12. fear that communists were out to destroy the American way of life.
  9. 13. The front of the battle of Allies and Central Powers in WWI
  10. 14. German Submarine
  11. 18. The passenger liner from Great Brittan sunk by German submarines