World War I (xavierj)

  1. 3. 1917 act gave the government new ways to spy
  2. 4. A military conflict centered on Europe that began in the summer of 1914. The fighting ended in late 1918.
  3. 6. They do no believe in government.
  4. 8. Teams of troops,ships,or equipment.
  5. 9. German emperor.
  6. 12. A person who tries to stir up war.
  7. 13. 11 day of the 11 month of the 11 hour 1918
  8. 15. The heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary
  9. 18. German Submarines
  10. 23. Leaders of britain, France, the U.S and Italy after WW1.
  11. 27. A union or association between three powers or states
  12. 30. To give up power.
  13. 31. Unable to read or write.
  14. 33. World War 1 military strategy of defending a position by fighting form the protection of deep ditches.
  15. 34. Nickname for American troops in europe.
  16. 35. The gathering of resources and preparation for war
  17. 39. The name given to the line of trenches which stretched from the english channel across the battle fields of France and Belgium during WW1.
  18. 40. Idea about how nations should work together.
  1. 1. Most famous WW1 treaty
  2. 2. Country pays for damage caused by war.
  3. 5. President during WWI
  4. 7. A formal agreement between two or more nations or powers to cooperate and come to another's defense.
  5. 10. Tax on your average income to support the war
  6. 11. Information given to show something or someone in a based way.
  7. 14. Association of nations formed after WW1 under wilson's 14 points plan.
  8. 16. A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  9. 17. Russian Emperors.
  10. 19. The military alliance formed between Russia, Great Britain and France before World War 1.
  11. 20. World War 1 alliance led by Austria-Hungary and Germany and later joined by Bulgaria and the Ottoman empire.
  12. 21. President Woodrow Wilsons plan for organizing post WW1 Europe and for avoiding future wars.
  13. 22. A group of communists who overthrew the democratic Russian government.
  14. 24. a covering for a soldiers head.
  15. 25. They used intimidation and fear towards blacks catholics, and jews.
  16. 26. A system of managing government through departments.
  17. 28. The rapid spread of a contagious disease among large numbers of people.
  18. 29. Law that requires people of a certain age to enlist in the military.
  19. 32. A rapid firing weapon.
  20. 36. U.S bonds sold during WW1 to raise money for loans to the Allies
  21. 37. Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
  22. 38. They do no believe in government.