World War I

  1. 3. The side of the trench facing the enemy.(7)
  2. 5. British Army shirt.(8)
  3. 6. Artillery bombardment upon a small area. (3,7)
  4. 8. The side of a trench farthest from the enemy.(7)
  5. 11. A Royal Artillery corporal.(10)
  6. 14. A large-scale attack on enemy positions.(4)
  7. 15. Fungal infection of the foot caused by exposure to wet and cold.(6,4)
  8. 17. The Royal Flying Corps.(3)
  9. 19. Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.(5)
  10. 21. Psychological disorder caused by prolonged exposure to combat.(5,5)
  11. 23. Soldier who carried messages by hand.(6)
  12. 24. Reinforced concrete machine-gun post.(7)
  1. 1. Conflict between different nations, states or groups.(3)
  2. 2. Sack filled with earth from which defences were built.(7)
  3. 4. Tank crew member responsible for managing the gears.(8)
  4. 7. Military prison or detention centre.(10)
  5. 9. Finned mortar bomb dropped from an aircraft.(6,7)
  6. 10. Narrow trench, normally for communication, made by digging at an angle from the existing trench.(3)
  7. 11. High-ranking staff officers.(5)
  8. 12. A shell that failed to explode.(3)
  9. 13. The territory between the two front lines.(2,4,4)
  10. 16. A long, narrow ditch.(6)
  11. 18. A truce during wartime.(9)
  12. 20. A permanent unit of an army typically commanded by a colonel, split up into companies and squadrons.(8)
  13. 21. Steel ejected from shell upon detonation.(8)
  14. 22. Cloth band worn round the arm to identify a particular duty or function.(6)