World War I

  1. 2. PM during WWI
  2. 4. Acronym to remember the indirect causes of WWI
  3. 7. group of Canadians who changed their role dramatically during WWI
  4. 8. Archduke who was assassinated
  5. 9. Triple ____ had Germany and Austria-Hungary
  6. 10. group of Canadians not in favour of joining the war
  7. 11. biggest naval battle of WWI
  8. 13. controversial plan to force people to join the army
  9. 14. Triple _____ had UK, France and Germany
  1. 1. 19__ was the year the war began
  2. 3. German plan to sweep through Belgium and surprise the French
  3. 5. Disputed border with the USA
  4. 6. the event that caused Russia to surrender to Germany
  5. 12. important Canadian victory during WWI
  6. 13. type of barrage used for the first time by Canadians