World War I

  1. 2. War a war that involves the complete mobilization of resources and people, affecting the lives of all citizens in the warring countries, even those remote from the battlefields
  2. 4. Alfred von Schieffen German military commander; drew up the Schieffen Plan for the two front war against France and Russia
  3. 8. capital city of Russia during World War I; formerly (and today) known as St. Petersburg
  4. 11. Nicholas II ruler of Russia; he was overthrown during the Russian Revolution of 1917; he and his family were killed by the revolution's leadership.
  5. 13. a vast Asian region of Russia from which the first serious threat to the communist came from
  6. 14. Lloyd George Britain's prime minister at the end of World War I whose goal was to make the Germans pay for the other countries' staggering war losses
  7. 17. Warfare fighting from ditches protected by
  8. 19. Wilson US President who led the US into WWI and developed the League of Nations. He encouraged total war mobilization; all citizens were considered part of a national army dedicated to victory.
  9. 20. a truce, an agreement to end fighting
  10. 22. payment to the victors by the vanquished to cover the costs of war
  11. 24. River near Paris; site of First Battle of the Marne (Sept 1914) that ended Germany's hope of swift victory
  12. 26. Kerensky head of Russian provisional government after revolution.
  13. 30. Holtzendorf German admiral who assured Emperor William II that the Americans would not intervene in the war and, if they did, they would not land on the continent. He and the others were wrong when the U.S. joined the war in April, 1917.
  14. 31. the process of assembling troops and supplies for war
  15. 34. Taken by the Germans from France
  16. 37. Princip The assassin of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria, a member of the Black Hand
  17. 38. Francis Ferdinand heir to the throne of Austria Hungary; assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a bosnian serb.; sparked WWI
  18. 40. Trotsky Russian revolutionary who helped Lenin gain his power and win the civil war. He had strong organizational skills; he reinstated the draft and insisted on rigid discipline
  19. 41. Communism in World War I Russia, government control of banks and most industries, the seizing of grain from peasants, and the centralization of state administration under Communist control
  20. 42. Ludendorff guided German military operations on the Western Front; told German government to ask for peace as the Allies advanced toward Germany.
  1. 1. Economies economic systems directed by
  2. 3. nation governed by another nation on behalf of the League of Nations
  3. 5. Taken by the Germans from France
  4. 6. a historical region in central and northern Yugoslavia; supported by Russia in 1914
  5. 7. Members of the Russian revolutionary party who eventually came under Lenin and communism.
  6. 8. ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause
  7. 9. Alliance 1882 Alliance between Germany, Italy, Austria- Hungry
  8. 10. Rasputin An uneducated Siberian peasant who became chief adviser to the court of Nicholas II mostly because of czarina Alexandra; assassinated 1916 because of military and economic disasters.
  9. 12. agencies
  10. 15. of Arabia urged Arab princes to revolt against their Ottoman overlords
  11. 16. The country Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife visited when he was assassinated
  12. 18. a military draft
  13. 19. of Attrition a war based on wearing the other side down by constant attacks and heavy losses, such as World War I
  14. 20. Last czarina of Russia; wife of Nicholas II. With the czar at the battlefield, she interfered with politics on the advice of Rasputin who claimed to be a holy man. She and her family were executed.
  15. 21. a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts
  16. 23. Ebert leader of Social Democrats who announced the creation of a democratic republic
  17. 25. Allies tried to open a Balkan front by landing forces here; southwest of Constantiple
  18. 27. German town where sailors mutinied on November 3, 1918
  19. 28. Russian council composed of representatives from the workers and soldiers
  20. 29. wire, as in World War I
  21. 31. associated with or performed by armed services as contrasted with civilians
  22. 32. Lenin Leader of the Communist (Bolshevik) party who overthrew the Russian aristocracy and established a Communist government; leader of the U.S.S.R. (1917-1924)
  23. 33. Entente A 1907 alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI.
  24. 35. William II leader of Germany during WWI
  25. 36. a mountain range in western Russia extending from the arctic to the Caspian Sea; contains Yekaterinburg
  26. 37. Clemenceau premier of France during WWI
  27. 39. country in Eastern Europe; Lenin gave up Ukraine in the Treat of Brest-Litovsk with Germany