World War I

  1. 2. WWI was nicknamed the War To End ___ _____.
  2. 7. Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy and Japan were called the ______________ powers.
  3. 8. President of the US during WWI.
  4. 12. In 1919, The Treaty of _________ officially ended the war.
  5. 14. The most successful fighter of the entire war was German fighter pilot Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen or the ____ _____.
  6. 16. Dirt ditches that protected the soldiers from enemy fire.
  7. 17. Russian Czar that was killed at the end of the war.
  8. 18. The US entered the war after the sinking of the SS ________.
  1. 1. The League of ________ helped Europe rebuild, but the US Senate refused to let the country join what President Wilson had established.
  2. 3. Another name for a German U boat.
  3. 4. Members of the Black Hand Society were from what country?
  4. 5. Germany's leader at the start of the war, Kaiser _______.
  5. 6. Central Powers included Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria and ____________.
  6. 9. The death of Arch Duke _____ was the primary reason for the start of the war.
  7. 10. The rank Adolf Hitler held during WWI.
  8. 11. City where Archduke Ferdinand was killed.
  9. 13. The youngest British soldier was a boy named Sidney Lewis who was just _____________ years old but lied about his age to join.
  10. 15. To increase the size of the U.S. Army during WWI, Congress passed the Selective Service Act, which was also known as the _______.