World War II

  1. 5. women working in factories, children collecting scrap metal, were all helping here
  2. 6. U.S. military base that was bombed by Japan, entering the U.S. into WWII
  3. 7. innocent citizens who were not fighting in the war
  4. 10. an all-out attack on both land & sea that the Germans used
  5. 11. the side the U.S.A. was on (a.k.a good guys)
  6. 12. limiting the amount you use to save for the war
  7. 13. the atomic bomb was dropped on this country
  8. 14. The U.S. President during most of World War II
  1. 1. German dictator who took over after WWI
  2. 2. the type of bomb the U.S. used against Japan to end the war
  3. 3. British Prime Minister who helped lead the UK during World War II
  4. 4. the U.S. needed soldiers quickly and so they used this
  5. 8. Russian leader during WWII
  6. 9. saving grown fruits and vegetables to aid in the war effort
  7. 11. Japan, Germany, and Italy