World War II

  1. 4. An area running through France that served as the battlefield for the Germans and Allied Powers.
  2. 6. a name Americans used for their troops heading overseas for war
  3. 7. A german submarine that sinks allied ships.
  4. 11. An international instisution created to enforce the ending of the war, and to prevent future wars.
  5. 15. Battles in a series of interconnected ditches near a battlefront
  6. 17. 1 of the 2 major groups fighting in the war located in Central Europe and other places.
  7. 18. An agreement made in-between countries that give eachother help and protection in a time of war.
  8. 21. Strong Support for the opinions of ones country, and pride in their own country.
  9. 22. A message from the German Secretary, to the president of Mexico proposing an alliance against the U.S.
  10. 24. A british cruise ship sank by a german U-Boat, killing 128 americans, and leading to bringing the U.S into war.
  11. 25. to provide a certain portion of food to a group of people during a shortage.
  12. 26. An agreement that ended WWI that also created new countries in Europe, and punished Germany.
  13. 27. Contructing military forces and weapons in an aggressive act to intimidate other countries.
  1. 1. a chain of reccomendations by President Wilson as terms of the treaty to stop WWI.
  2. 2. A group of operator ships traveling with military vessels
  3. 3. Double term U.S president that was re-elected because "he kept us out of war"
  4. 5. Not forming alliances with any teams during wartimes.
  5. 8. Manipulated public opinions using forms of advertisement to spread
  6. 9. Led the American Expeditionary Forces upon Americas arrival into the war
  7. 10. Controlling a Foregin territory to construct an Empire.
  8. 12. An area running through Russia that served as a battlefield against Russia and Germany
  9. 13. Transactions made by the defeated country, to the winners to cover damage from the war
  10. 14. To confirm, or adopt a measure.
  11. 16. A song that promoted Patriotism for American Troops as they prepared to enter WWI
  12. 19. The method the Governmentused to draft men into the army
  13. 20. Evading from world affairrs
  14. 23. Group of Nations working as a group to fight during WWI.