World War II Assessment

  1. 1. Germany, Japan and _______ formed the Axis powers
  2. 3. The USA, Great Britain, France and the USSR formed this alliance
  3. 4. the first antibiotic
  4. 5. this contained coupons that let a family buy certain amounts of things
  5. 9. The leader of Great Britain
  6. 10. This American military location was bombed which led the US to join WWII
  7. 11. Japanese-Americans and Japanese nationals on the west coast were collected and forced to move to these
  8. 12. The leader of the USSR
  9. 14. Truman did this to the army after the war
  10. 16. This is the policy followed by Europe as Germany regrew its military and invaded Czechoslovakia
  11. 17. The leader of the USA who had to decide about dropping the atomic bombs on Japan
  12. 18. this was invented to track planes
  1. 1. the military strategy used by the USA to gain control in Asia
  2. 2. What we call the area of WWII fighting in Asia
  3. 6. This country was working to achieve world domination
  4. 7. this woman became a mascot for the war effort and was put on posters
  5. 8. the two placed in Japan where the bomb was dropped
  6. 13. Congress forced FDR to remain ________ and not join the war in Europe for a while
  7. 15. the event that ended the fighting in Europe