  1. 6. attack on this port brought the United States into the war
  2. 9. strategy attempted by Chamberlain that he said brought "peace in our time"
  3. 10. D-Day invasion began at this location in France
  4. 11. Mussolini's militia
  5. 12. area of France that was supposed to be off limits to Hitler
  6. 13. Prime Minister of Great Britain after Chamberlain
  7. 17. Fascist dictator of Italy
  8. 18. mass extermination of ehtnic groups such as the Jews in WWII
  9. 19. President Roosevelt said December 7, 1941 was a "day that will live in----"
  1. 1. part of China invaded by Japan in 1931
  2. 2. emperor of Japan
  3. 3. Great Britain, United States, and Russia
  4. 4. Fascist dictator of Germany
  5. 5. agreement the Germans were very unsatisfied with
  6. 7. Germany, Japan, and Italy
  7. 8. japanese suicide pilots who crashed into ships with bomb-filled planes
  8. 14. city in Germany where war criminals were tried
  9. 15. atomic bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and this city
  10. 16. neighborhood where Jews were forced to live