World War ll

  1. 5. The stage motorized divisions move through the opening and circle back to surround the enemy forces from behind.
  2. 9. The nations pledge to respect Chinas territory and independence.
  3. 10. Making concessions to an aggressor in order to avoid conflict.
  4. 11. Soon to be Britain’s next prime minister.
  5. 15. The stage infantry troops arrive to take care of any remaining areas of resistance.
  6. 16. A belief in increasing a nation's military strength as the way to become or remain powerful the glorification of military virtues and ideals.
  7. 17. A settlement reached in September 1938 in which Britain and France agreed to let Germany annex part of Czechoslovakia.
  8. 18. The stage planes bomb military and civilian targets behind the lines. Paratroopers disrupt communications and slow the movement of enemy reinforcements.
  9. 19. Army led by Hitler.
  10. 20. The stage infantry troops create a smokescreen to hide the forces gathering for a breakthrough.
  11. 23. Attitudes about the superiority or inferiority of certain racial religious, and culture groups have provoked tension, violence, and other conflict throughout history. PoliticalSystems The quest for world prestige and power, a need for natural resources, the desire to conquer enemies, and the wish to unite people of the same ethnic or racial heritage under one rule have all driven nations to create empires.
  12. 24. A policy of limiting a nation's international relations so that it can exist in peace and harmony by itself in the world.
  13. 25. The stage German attackers identify a weak spot in the enemy's defensive line.
  1. 1. Believed his compromise with the Germans at the Munich conference had secured peace for Europe.
  2. 2. A government that is appointed by and whose actions are controlled by an outside authority.
  3. 3. German for "lightning war," a military tactic that combined swift, massive, and highly coordinated attacks by planes, tanks, and infantry to overwhelm and quickly conquer an enemy.
  4. 4. Nations have sometimes sought to obtain the raw materials and other resources they need for industrial growth by conquering or controlling other regions.
  5. 6. Interaction Advances in technology have increased the destructive effects of war on people and on the regions in which they live.
  6. 7. A government order involving trade with another nation that forbids the buying or selling of something.
  7. 8. A measure, often involving suspension of diplomatic or economic relations, taken by a nation or group of nations against another nation to pressure it to change its behavior.
  8. 12. The name given to Italy and Germany, and later also to Japan and other German allies, during World War II
  9. 13. The practice of making unprovoked attacks or other military encroachments on the territory of another country.
  10. 14. a section of a city in which members of a minority group live, especially because of force or social, legal, or economic pressures
  11. 21. Leader of Nazis.
  12. 22. the stage tanks break through the weak spot, spreading panic among troops and civilians.