world War One

  1. 1. 1 July 1916- 18 Novemer 1916.
  2. 5. Franz Ferdinan's wife
  3. 6. Wath was the neam of the terrorist group that gravilo prinsip was a part of.
  4. 7. Where was the The Treaty of Versailles saind?
  5. 11. austria-hungary, Germany, Italy
  6. 12. What is it called when a country takes over new lands and makes the subject to their rule.
  1. 1. Where was the archduk of Austri-Hungary killed.
  2. 2. wat is all this abaut.
  3. 3. In which empire started World War I.
  4. 4. Great Britain, France, Russia
  5. 8. What went down may 7 1915.
  6. 9. Neam of the man who killed the archduk.
  7. 10. Wath is it means to being a strong supporter of the rights and interests of one's country.