World War One

  1. 2. policy of buliding up strong armed forces
  2. 4. A type of fighting in which both sides dig trenches and attempt to attack the enemy's trenches
  3. 6. American boat that was sunk by the German U-boats; made America consider entering WWI. 139 American lives lost.
  4. 10. He was the Italian representative at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. He pushed for a revenge-based treaty at Versailles, hampering the 14 points.
  5. 11. After World War I, this United States president sought to reduce the risk of war by writing the Fourteen Points that influenced the creation of the League of Nations.
  6. 12. Great Britan,France Russia
  7. 14. A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically.
  8. 15. nationalism and imperilism are examples of what from WW1
  9. 16. German, Italy, Austria/Hungary, Ottoman Empire
  1. 1. A note intercepted by the US, originally sent from Germany to Mexico saying that if Mexico can keep the US out of the Great War then Germany would help Mexico regain its territories taken from the US like New Mexico, Texas and Arizona.
  2. 3. A state of peace agreed to between enemies so they can discuss peace terms.
  3. 5. pride in ones country
  4. 7. It was a plan to hold off Russia and defeat France. Have one front in Russia and the other in the west.
  5. 8. Date the war started
  6. 9. The nickname for the American Soldiers during WWI.
  7. 13. Territory between enemy trenches. It was very dangerous.L