World War One Review

  1. 2. Head of the CPI, whipped up support for the war
  2. 4. This country dropped out of the war after revolution in 1917
  3. 11. Anything used to try and persuade others
  4. 14. Nasty condition caused by wet socks, wet boots, mud, standing around
  5. 15. Chicago newspaper urging black people north for new opportunities
  6. 18. Term used for leaving the trench
  7. 19. Term used to describe large scale movement of African Americans North during the war
  8. 21. Proposed, but failed peacekeeping group proposed by Wilson following war
  9. 23. A buildup of weapons, guns, bombs, tanks, etc.
  10. 24. Promise by Germany to the US to stop sinking unarmed ships
  11. 25. A strong feeling of pride in one's country
  12. 26. Cause of war related to competing to control and gain colonies, empires
  13. 28. The Espionage and Sedition Acts limited this during the war
  14. 29. Germany threatened and bullied this neutral nation, upset many
  15. 30. Wilson's plan for post-war world
  16. 31. Agreements between countries to help one another in war
  17. 32. Name for Germany's failed final offensive
  1. 1. His assassination sparked WWI
  2. 3. Payments for war damages demanded by Britain and France
  3. 5. Nickname given to Germany's "shock troops"
  4. 6. To stay out of the war, not to choose sides
  5. 7. System used by the US to counteract Germany's sub advantage
  6. 8. The Selective Service Act established this to gather troops for war
  7. 9. A conscientious one would not wish to fight
  8. 10. This formally ended the war
  9. 12. Playful nickname given to US troops who took a while to get going
  10. 13. The US wanted Peace without...
  11. 16. Cease fire, agreement to halt fighting
  12. 17. Bernard Baruch headed this agency to "beef up" wartime production
  13. 20. Nickname for the area between trenches in WWI
  14. 22. Served as US President during the War
  15. 27. Germany sent the Zimmermann Telegram to this country, trying to get them to attack America