World War One Test

  1. 4. The name of the British ocean liner sunk by the Germans which was secretly carrying ammunition on board.
  2. 5. Sam The patriotic character of an old man designed by the Pictorial Division of the CPI to represent the United States government.
  3. 8. The Archduke of Austria-Hungary who was assassinated.
  4. 10. The region of southeastern Europe where World War One began.
  5. 11. The people living in Bosnia who were Catholic.
  6. 15. This was the nickname for the region of southeastern Europe where WW1 erupted – a place where even a small spark of unrest might cause it to blow up.
  7. 16. This law gave the president the power to draft soldiers.
  8. 18. The name of the German Foreign Secretary to Mexico who sent a telegram asking Mexico to declare war on the United States.
  9. 19. The man who was against the draft and handed out leaflets urging men not to report for duty.
  10. 20. One of the four MAIN causes of WW1.
  11. 21. The man who started WW1 by shooting the Archduke of Austria-Hungary.
  12. 24. The secret Serbian military organization who designed the Austrian assassination plot.
  13. 26. The Muslim people who were native to Bosnia.
  14. 28. The powerful ally of Serbia.
  1. 1. These men gave short patriotic speeches intended to persuade the public to support the war.
  2. 2. The people living in Bosnia who were Orthodox Christians.
  3. 3. This government agency had the authority to order factories to switch over from producing regular goods to materials that were needed for war.
  4. 6. The law that made it illegal to write about resisting the war or to hurt the U.S. government.
  5. 7. This industry was nationalized by the government in order to improve efficiency in getting supplies shipped to our troops in Europe.
  6. 9. This military technology, first used in WW1, had been invented just 11 years before the start of the war.
  7. 12. One of the states Germany promised to return to Mexico in exchange for their declaration of war on the United States.
  8. 13. The law that made it illegal to speak against the U.S. government during a time of war.
  9. 14. Great Britain entered the war because Germany invaded this neutral country.
  10. 17. How many bullets could the MG-08 fire per minute?
  11. 22. Britain's first tanks were male and female. In other words, they had ___________.
  12. 23. The type of food the government told citizens not to eat, especially on Mondays, so that it could be sent to our troops overseas.
  13. 25. This man was reelected as President of the United States based on his promise to keep America out of the war.
  14. 27. Guide