World War One

  1. 5. The name of the British queen who had multiple children marry into European ruling houses
  2. 8. Small town in Northern Belgium that became famous for the amount of damage received from shelling as a result of nearby fighting between the Allies and German soldiers trying to gain military territory
  3. 9. Treaty of ________, the famous treaty that was formed on the 28th June 1919 that saw the end of the war between Germany and the Allied Powers until WW2
  4. 11. A new type of wire brought into the war that would strengthen the defences of a trench as it would be had for the enemy to get past
  5. 12. The act of one country taking over another country’s land
  6. 13. The belief of being a strong supporter of the rights of one’s country
  7. 16. As a form of communication, soldiers were sent to and from the front line to carry messages to the commanding officers, they were called…
  8. 17. The ________ Front, one of the most famous theatres of war during WW1, consisting of trenches running for hundreds of miles
  9. 19. The psychological ‘illness’ that some soldiers became victim to, caused by prolonged exposure to gunfire, shelling, and the horrors of war
  10. 20. The name given to the alliance made between Russia, Britain and France in 1907
  1. 1. The only occupation that would allow a women to be present on the front line
  2. 2. A type of boat sometimes referred to as a “U-boat” that could travel completely under water and stated a new type of warfare on the high seas
  3. 3. The political party that supported conscription and pushed for it to be put to a vote
  4. 4. A vote put to the people asking one specific question to which there must be a direct response
  5. 6. The compulsory call-up of men for military service
  6. 7. The belief that army and navy forces should be given special ‘privileges’ by the government
  7. 10. The name of the narrow strait that divides the Gallipoli peninsula from mainland Turkey
  8. 14. The system of long, narrow excavations dug into the ground by soldier to protect them from shelling and gunfire
  9. 15. The acronym given to the Australian and New Zealand troops that were most famous for their efforts fighting Turks in Gallipoli
  10. 18. The name of the nation that joined Britain’s side on the 6th April 1917 after Germany had sunk one too many of their ships