World War Two

  1. 3. / Main Axis Defense in Italy; ________ Line
  2. 6. / Nickname for MG42; Hitler’s _________
  3. 8. / Hills between Rome and Anzio; ______ Hills
  4. 9. / American weapons company
  5. 10. / Italian government signed this with the allies on September 3, 1943
  6. 12. / Island off the southern coast of Italy
  7. 14. / Area of Italy where campaign started (direction)
  8. 15. / Views of the government of the Soviet Union
  9. 17. / Views of Italian government up until September 1943
  10. 18. / Geographic obstacle
  11. 20. / Germany and Italy; _____ Powers
  12. 21. / British man-portable antitank weapon
  13. 23. / Canadian Army rifle
  14. 26. / German stick grenade
  15. 29. / Invasion area on southwest coast of mainland Italy
  16. 30. / Name of the gulf where the invasion of Italy started
  17. 31. Harbour / Attack that brought America into the war
  18. 35. / Month that the Italian campaign ended
  19. 37. / Allied Commander-In-Chief of Italy
  20. 38. / Campaign began on ________ of Sicily
  21. 39. / Thought Italy needed to be knocked out of the war
  22. 41. / Emperor of Japan
  23. 43. Cassino / Historic hilltop abbey
  24. 44. / Operation name for the invasion of Sicily
  25. 46. / German main tank
  1. 1. / German large tank
  2. 2. / Canadian Army LMG; _____ Gun
  3. 4. / AKA ground troops
  4. 5. / Number of years that the campaign lasted
  5. 6. / Worked up the _____ of Italy
  6. 7. / Important port and airfield town
  7. 11. / Views of most allied governments
  8. 12. / RAF main fighter plane
  9. 13. / Last name of the Italian dictator
  10. 16. / Allied fighter plane
  11. 18. / Objective city in Sicily
  12. 19. / Area where Operation Shingle took place
  13. 22. / Total Canadian casualties; over ________-_____ thousand
  14. 24. / German Commander-In-Chief of Italy
  15. 25. / Month that the Italian campaign began
  16. 26. / American tank
  17. 27. / Italian flag colours; red, white, _______
  18. 28. / One form of assault on Sicily
  19. 32. / Capital of Italy
  20. 33. / sea-based invasion strategy
  21. 34. / Believed in naval assaults
  22. 36. Fortress / Nickname for B-17 bomber
  23. 40. / City where Canadians adapted "mouse-holing"
  24. 42. / Allied Forces Headquarters (abbrev.)
  25. 45. / Canadian Prime Minister; Mackenzie _______