"Worth The Weight: Honor Your Father and Mother" | Exodus 20:12 Bible Study ✞-word Puzzle | 5.15.24

  1. 4. In a sense, the Fifth Commandment is the only commandment with a specific ____ (Ex 20:12; Eph 6:2).
  2. 5. Jesus says that the greatest commandments are to ___ (i.e., be faithfully devoted to) God with everything and to ___ (i.e., sacrificially strive for the good of) one’s neighbor as oneself (Mt 22:37-40). The Fifth Commandment serves as a transition between commands concerning __ for God (I-IV) and ___ for others (VI-X).
  3. 6. Breaking the Fifth Commandment could result in a ___ sentence (Ex 21:15, 17; Lev 20:9; Dt 21:18-21; cf. Rom 6:23). The consequences for failing to treat one’s parents with godly gravity could be grave.
  1. 1. Honoring one’s father and mother entails taking ___ (see “honor” in Ps 91:15) of them in their golden years (Mk 7:8-13; cf. Pr 19:26), and taking ___ to obey their godly golden rules.
  2. 2. People who dishonor God or their parents can both be ____ (Dt 27:15-16). Scripture says certain honor should be shown to the LORD and (albeit to a lesser degree) parents (see “honor” in Ps 86:9).
  3. 3. The Fifth Commandment says that God’s people are to honor or give ___ (i.e., importance, dignity, significance) to their fathers and mothers. And parents should be worth the ___ (Ex 20:12; cf. Lev 19:3; Pr 1:8).
  4. 5. Following the Fifth Commandment would lead to long, prosperous life for Israel (as a whole) in the Promised ___ (Ex 20:12; cf. Dt 4:1; 8:1; 16:20; 30:15-18, etc.).
  5. 7. Metaphorically, parents are to be pipelines of both godly procreation, and godly principles. By following and passing down God’s precepts to the following generations, God’s people would be a ___ nation (Ex 19:5-6; cf. 1 Pet 2:9-10).