Wrath of the math

  1. 2. The set containing all the subsets of a set is called a _____ set.
  2. 4. Sine inverse of Sine of a variable is equal to the variable itself if it lies in the ____ value branch.
  3. 5. A matrix is said to be an ____ matrix if all of its elements in the diagonal are 1 and the rest are 0.
  4. 6. The ____ of two numbers can never be less than their geometric mean.
  5. 9. He was the first who carried out a systematic study of geometry by the use of algebra. A popular coordinate system is named after him.
  6. 15. "Jacob ______" wrote the book "Ars Conjectandi", published in 1713. it contains the theory of permutations and combinations as is known today.
  7. 16. To calculate the rate of change of a function, you have to _____ it.
  8. 19. He was one of the first mathematician to study conic sections. He coined the terms "parabola" and "hyperbola".
  9. 20. He was the first mathematician to begin the study of trigonometry in India. He also gave the digits of pi upto 4 decimal places.
  1. 1. A function whose range is equal to its codomain is called a _____ function.
  2. 3. Whether a matrix system has a unique solution or not, is determined by the ____.
  3. 7. A conic section which has two foci, each of which lie outside the curve.
  4. 8. The creator of the set theory.
  5. 10. Widely consider to be the "Father of geometry", he was the first to organize geometric figures based on certain axioms suggested by physical considerations.
  6. 11. The ____ sequence has found important applications in mathematics.Each term of the sequence is the sum of the two terms before it.
  7. 12. A ____ is way of representing coefficients in system of linear equations.
  8. 13. For a function to be differentiable, it must necessarily be ____.
  9. 14. "Isaac Newton" and "G.W. ____" independently worked towards inventing Calculus.
  10. 17. To find the area under a curve, you have to ____ it.
  11. 18. The coefficients of binomial expansions can be represented by numbers in a triangular form, also known as the _____'s triangle.