Writing Prose and Poetry Puzzle

  1. 3. "A chill went down my spine as the old witch coughs up a thick black smoke"
  2. 5. A perfect character which has everything work out for them and they are just 100% perfect 24/7
  3. 6. an extremely large exaggeration
  4. 8. Woman who sold her poem "Arcadia" at Christie's Auction House which is now the most expensive poem sold
  5. 11. Iambic Pentameter
  6. 12. "The Witch Doesn't Burn In This One"
  7. 13. The author of the poetry book "Milk and Honey"
  8. 14. The boy who lived
  9. 15. Like, as
  10. 16. Edgar Allan Poe
  1. 1. When the story starts in the middle of action
  2. 2. Author of "You Foolish Men"
  3. 4. Shakespeare
  4. 5. "She is the sun"
  5. 7. A funny poem
  6. 9. BOOM,POW
  7. 10. Eloquent Writing that uses high level vocabulary to the point where the words lose their beauty
  8. 14. 575