Wrongful Convictions News

  1. 2. Verbal probe
  2. 3. Breaking _______
  3. 6. Indirect evidence
  4. 9. Prosecute
  5. 12. They mend the grief and trauma caused by injustice: _______ Justice
  6. 13. "...guilt and crimes are so frequent in this world that they cannot all be________"
  7. 15. Judge trial
  8. 16. Request to change legal ruling
  9. 17. Twelve members
  10. 18. Prior model
  11. 20. Common cause of wrongful convictions
  12. 22. To champion
  13. 25. Take back
  14. 27. Court ordered written command made by the court
  15. 30. How you ____ can have a direct effect on our legal system
  16. 32. Exists in fact but not as a matter of law
  17. 33. Evidence that is acceptable
  18. 35. Willfully telling an untruth under oath
  19. 36. State with the most exonerations
  20. 39. Eliminate criminal record
  21. 41. Chicago Police Sgt. who caused numerous wrongful convictions
  22. 43. An order for inquiring into the lawfulness of the restraint of a person who is imprisoned
  23. 45. Plea that admits the evidence is sufficient to show guilt but maintains innocence
  24. 46. Chicago Police Det. connected to 25 murder exonerations in 2022
  25. 47. Informing proceedings
  26. 51. Country with the highest execution rate
  27. 52. Bail
  28. 54. File charge
  29. 57. County whose CIU was involved in three exonerations in Tennessee
  30. 58. Before trial examination of evidence
  31. 59. Not rightful
  32. 60. Persuade by threat
  33. 62. Overrated commodity in our legal system
  34. 64. Police misconduct
  35. 65. Last words
  1. 1. Government Dominion
  2. 4. Law
  3. 5. True Bill
  4. 7. Law-making branch
  5. 8. ________ murder is a type of wrongful execution.
  6. 10. Evidence pointing towards innocence
  7. 11. Source
  8. 14. 42% of wrongful convictions are convicted of _______
  9. 19. Rule broken by prosecutors
  10. 21. "To speak the truth"
  11. 23. War or rights
  12. 24. Type of witness
  13. 26. In exonerated cases, DNA can reveal the ____________.
  14. 28. Mens rea
  15. 29. Funds paid by taxpayers for police/prosecutors misconduct
  16. 31. Type of punishment that cannot be rectified
  17. 34. Facts on proof
  18. 37. Au pair Louise Woodward attorney associated to the Innocence Project
  19. 38. Document filed to release info
  20. 40. Analysis
  21. 42. Convicted in 1974, he is the longest-serving innocent inmate
  22. 44. Person confined by prison
  23. 48. Legal doctrine that protects government officials
  24. 49. State with 11 wrongful murder convictions in 2022
  25. 50. Tool to free the innocent
  26. 53. Jury of one
  27. 55. Party that has the burden of proof in a criminal case
  28. 56. Provide rewards to encourage certain behaviors or outcomes
  29. 61. For every 8.3 people executed in the US, ______ have been exonerated.
  30. 63. Truth of a statement