wrongful convictions news #3

  1. 4. Supreme Court
  2. 6. Game plan
  3. 9. Found not guilty
  4. 10. Deposit for hire
  5. 11. A judge explains the questions the jury must answer and the law governing the case before deliberations begin
  6. 14. Protect oneself (2 words)
  7. 19. ______ and effect or probable _______
  8. 20. Not civil but ________
  9. 21. Difference between jail and prison (2 words)
  10. 22. Detector or set in
  11. 23. Guilty or not guilty
  12. 25. Snitch
  13. 27. Criminal background
  14. 29. End
  15. 30. Not foreign
  16. 31. Supposed
  1. 1. Area where laws apply
  2. 2. When the jury retires to consider the trial and reach a verdict
  3. 3. Rational uncertainty (2 words)
  4. 5. Circumstantial
  5. 7. Jury that assesses evidence presented by a prosecutor to determine whether there is “probable cause”
  6. 8. Petition
  7. 12. Believed to have committed a crime
  8. 13. Statement
  9. 15. The crimes with which you're accused
  10. 16. Not Guilty
  11. 17. House or yard
  12. 18. Legal group
  13. 19. Part of a white shirt
  14. 20. Postponement
  15. 24. The collective of all lawyers qualified to practice in a given court or jurisdiction
  16. 26. Taking a person somewhere against their will
  17. 28. Jury or puddle