Wundsam Wedding

  1. 2. Marta's favorite animal is an _____
  2. 3. Drew proposed to Marta at _____
  3. 5. Marta is the youngest of _____ kids
  4. 7. The dog that Drew deployed with was named _____
  5. 9. Drew's eyes are the color _____
  6. 14. Drew and Marta dated long distance for four months while Drew was stationed on _____
  7. 15. Drew and Marta's first date was _____
  8. 16. Marta's maiden name is _____
  9. 17. Drew's last rank in the Marine Corps was _____
  10. 20. Marta drives a Chevy _____le
  11. 22. Drew will be going to school in Tennessee at _____
  1. 1. Drew will be going back to school to become a _____
  2. 3. Marta played _____ in college
  3. 4. Drew texted Marta for the first time saying good luck running the _____
  4. 6. While dating, Drew flew in from Virginia to surprise Marta on _____ Day
  5. 8. Drew has _____ siblings
  6. 10. Marta teaches and coaches at _____ High School
  7. 11. Drew played _____ in High School
  8. 12. Drew drives a _____
  9. 13. Drew and Marta met in person for the first time at a _____ party
  10. 18. For their honeymoon, Drew and Marta are going overlanding in _____
  11. 19. Drew and Marta were set up with each other by Damian and Tierney _____
  12. 21. Marta's ethnicity is 50% _____
  13. 22. Marta has a Master's in _____