
  1. 6. England, Russia, France, Serbia, united states, Portugal, Italy.
  2. 7. Long ditches dug in the ground for soldiers to shoot from and hide in.
  3. 9. Armed escort ships traveling with troop transport ships to protect the transport
  4. 10. German submarine that attacked ship convoys
  5. 12. An organization of nations to help keep peace around the world (Congress would not approve the U.S. joining even after Wilson created it.)
  1. 1. World War 1, the war to end all wars.
  2. 2. Total control of a government by a central power
  3. 3. Letter that Germany sent to Mexico asking them to invade and declare war on the USA
  4. 4. Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria.
  5. 5. Large British passenger ship that the Germans sank in 1915; over 1,000 livers were lost
  6. 8. The policy of opposing involvement of ones country with international alliances or
  7. 11. Not participating in a war on either side.