  1. 2. a weapon that fires projectiles/bullets intended to harm people
  2. 3. the act of telling something that isn't true
  3. 5. A conflict between 2 or more nations where deaths and fighting are often involved.
  4. 7. a place where illegal items are sold and other stuff.
  5. 8. a time where all lights must be tuned of and windows must be covered to prevent bombers from seeing citys
  6. 9. a weapon that fires large projectiles inteded to destoy planes or large ground objects such as tanks or bases. ALso known as AA guns
  1. 1. Scamming a person of a group out of something such as money
  2. 4. a group of people that control a country or city.
  3. 6. Holding information about someone else and using it to control a person
  4. 7. a house of sorts intended to shelter people from bombs, commonly made out of concrete