World War 2

  1. 2. issued to every person entitling the holder to receive only limited quantities of items such as sugar, coffee, tea, butter, preserves meat, and evaporated meat (2 words)
  2. 4. Georgian revolutionary who leads the Soviet Union (2 words)
  3. 8. The ___ provided about half the escorts across the Atlantic. (abbreviated)
  4. 14. Under the NRMA in June 1940, ____ allowed mandatory enlistment in the army to help with home defence.
  5. 19. Captured Canadians are known as? (abbreviated)
  6. 20. a tactic where soldiers create entrances into building or rooms by blasting or tunneling through walls (2 words)
  7. 21. The act that gave the government powers to take control over the nation’s resources and allow conscription for home defence. (abbreviated)
  8. 22. Naval submarines the allied ships defended against
  9. 23. The Austrian-Hungarian born citizen who failed art class, fought in ww1 and eventually pursuited a German political career (2 words)
  10. 26. How many days after Britain declares war does Canada join.
  11. 29. misleading information that is spread among the public for the purpose of damaging an opposing cause or spread a point of view
  12. 30. What was created that was owned by the Canadian government that produced items private sectors could not. (2 words)
  13. 32. What month did Canada join the war
  14. 33. using all resources and infrastructures to focus on the war (2 words)
  15. 36. The alliance that eventually included Canada, Britain, USA , France, and other commonwealth countries.
  16. 37. What was created in 1942 that provided shore based jobs, wireless operators, coders, drivers, operational plotters for women (abbreviated)
  17. 38. men who were conscripted through the national resources mobilization act who were forced into service against their will
  18. 39. what did canadian citizens invest in to help the war effort (2 words)
  19. 40. Women’s skirts were __ due to the waste-not-want-not regulation
  20. 41. What did King use to help the conscription crisis that regarded the voting of the public.
  21. 42. this gender was given the opportunity to join the armed force for the first time however were not allowed to join combat roles.
  22. 43. this raid happened in 1942 where Canadian troops fought against Germany, canada suffered heavy losses. (2 words)
  23. 44. Canada started building these small warships in the Battle of Atlantic to escort convoys across the ocean
  24. 45. The day Hong Kong fell to the Japanese is known as? (2 words)
  25. 46. rebellious young men who defied clothing restrictions (2 words)
  26. 47. The day the allies took control over Europe (2 words)
  1. 1. What was introduced in January 1942, to reduce hoarding and ensure food for everyone (2 words)
  2. 3. the plan that Canada agreed to host and run in December 1939 to train pilots and other flight personnel with British instructors (abbreviated)
  3. 5. Foreign women who married Canadian soldiers serving overseas and then immigrated to Canada after the war (2 words)
  4. 6. Established in 1942, helped coordinate wartime propaganda in Canada. (3 words)
  5. 7. Who assured Parliament, and Quebec, that “So long as this government may be in power, no such measure [conscription] shall be enacted.” (4 words)
  6. 9. Enemy aliens and visible minorities were forced to enter this place (2 words)
  7. 10. Where did Canadians land first during D-day (2 words)
  8. 11. Canada shows __ by not automatically declaring war following Britain’s declaration.
  9. 12. The alliance that included Germany, Italy, and Japan
  10. 13. The leader of this political party argued against going to war. (abbreviated)
  11. 15. Known as the “Minister of Everything”.
  12. 16. The act of sending a person back to their native country or land
  13. 17. D-day is known as which operation (2 words)
  14. 18. What did Canada practice in order to keep affairs outside their borders
  15. 19. The troops that dropped behind enemy lines to disrupt transportation and communication in the Normandy invasion
  16. 23. provincial liquor boards rationed this type of liquid
  17. 24. a person that is forced to leave their country to escape war
  18. 25. This ship, carrying 907 Jewish refugees, attempting to escape persecution was denied entry into Canada in 1939 (2 words)
  19. 27. The air force consisting of Canadian pilots that participated in Britain’s bomber command. (abbreviated)
  20. 28. right to vote in public
  21. 31. p2549
  22. 34. discrimination or hostility toward Jewish people is known as?(2 words with a dash)
  23. 35. Under which act that dated from the last war was the federal government given increased control over the economy and powers such as the right to restrict individual liberty. (3 words)