WW2 Crossword
- 6. explosive mine set just under or on the ground
- 7. spreading false information that can be both demonizing or promoting something
- 9. US military base that was targeted
- 11. model of japanese plane
- 12. a mask used to protect soldiers from poison gases
- 14. where pearl harbor is located
- 17. certain clothing that was assigned to certain people
- 19. another word for job
- 20. dictator of Germany during WW2
- 21. large nearly industructible automobile used during war
- 22. a handheld bomb thrown at enemies
- 23. important battle
- 24. gardens people were encouraged to grow to leave more food for soldiers
- 26. Branch of military on ships
- 1. fighting against enemies
- 2. a system for detecting ships and planes
- 3. collective feelings of a group
- 4. leave a certain area of land quickly
- 5. purposely destroying something for gain
- 8. weapon that spat fire
- 10. the name of this war
- 13. small meals given to soldiers
- 15. an underwater ship meant for battle
- 16. dictator of Japan during ww2
- 18. being freed
- 25. president during most of ww2