  1. 1. Explosions every where, especially London
  2. 4. People cowered from the bombs in these
  3. 6. Nobody like this man and he didn't like himself
  4. 8. Death and puishment for Jews
  5. 9. Hitler had a furry one
  6. 11. A dog and a Prime Minister
  7. 13. Gouten Targ is hello in .......
  1. 1. These were used to destroy houses and cities
  2. 2. Germans didn't like them especially Hitler
  3. 3. Nevill Chamberlain did this to Germany
  4. 5. Peole were very hungry
  5. 7. An end to you
  6. 10. Ships sailed, People saved in France
  7. 12. Hot spot for Bombs