WW2 terms

  1. 2. the political view supreme race
  2. 7. the leader of Japan
  3. 8. ruled by a dictator and government
  4. 9. the belief that a country should have a strong military force
  5. 10. Hitlers book
  6. 12. other counrties could buy american made goods if they paid cash and transported items on their own ships
  7. 15. Hitler's group of violent soldiers
  8. 17. the US could lease military equipment to other countries
  9. 18. Hitlers method of attack
  10. 19. Hitlers emblem
  1. 1. leader of the Soviet Union
  2. 3. leader of Italy
  3. 4. Mussolini's army
  4. 5. first military battle fought by airforces
  5. 6. Great Britain,Soviet Union,USA
  6. 8. 32nd president of USA
  7. 11. the leader of Great Britain
  8. 13. Japan,Germany,Italy
  9. 14. classless society, state controlled
  10. 16. leader of Germany