WW2 Terms

  1. 5. country that wanted power or revenge
  2. 6. secret police of Germany
  3. 8. that tried to stop axis powers from taking over
  4. 9. German air force
  5. 11. leader of Russia
  6. 12. leader of Italy
  7. 19. germany against britain over a channel of water
  8. 20. leader of Great Britain
  1. 1. charter FDR set boundaries in the Atlantic where U.S. could help without joining war
  2. 2. doesn't want to get involved in war
  3. 3. not on either side of the war
  4. 4. U.S. lended Britain weapons and supplies to help in war and then they would repay U.S. back later
  5. 7. government is in control
  6. 10. president of the United States
  7. 13. prosecute opponents
  8. 14. policy where if you wanted to buy from other countries you had to travel there and pick it up with cash
  9. 15. Hitler’s new attack strategy
  10. 16. only the country matters
  11. 17. leader of Japan
  12. 18. leader of Germany