WW6 - Unit 16 Kahoot Ticket

  1. 3. (n) something that causes great loss and suffering; a terrible disaster
  2. 6. (adj) intended to or likely to deceive or mislead
  3. 7. (n) a death resulting from an accident or a disaster
  4. 10. (v) 1. to appear in a sudden and frightening way 2. to get close
  5. 11. (v) to fill with awe
  6. 13. (v) to come together with great force
  7. 16. (n) the rear part of a boar
  8. 17. (n) 1. a result or outcome 2. importance
  1. 1. (n) an act of deceiving
  2. 2. (n) a machine or device for weaving cloth
  3. 4. (n) a feeling of fear or nervous wonder and respect
  4. 5. (adj) causing feeling of awe
  5. 8. (adj) 1. not to be trusted 2. actually dangerous while seeming to be safe
  6. 9. (n) the act of colliding
  7. 12. (adj) unpleasantly severe
  8. 14. (n) the state or condition of being before another in importance or time
  9. 15. (v) to cause to believe something that is not true