  1. 4. POTUS during WWI
  2. 6. Neutral country that was invaded by Germany that sparked more involvement in WWI
  3. 9. identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
  4. 11. Underground area dug out by troops for protection from enemy fire
  5. 13. Speech by Wilson to congress outlining post-war plan for world peace
  6. 14. Legislation passed in 1917 imposed sentences on anyone found guilty of aiding the enemy, obstructing recruitment of soldiers, or encouraging disloyalty.
  7. 16. Causes of WWI
  8. 17. American civilian boat destroyed by German U-Boats
  9. 19. Position of not taking sides during conflict
  1. 1. Area between two enemy trenches
  2. 2. Germany asked Mexico to invade the US via the _____ telegram
  3. 3. Desire of a government to be capable of a developing a strong military that protects national interests aggressively
  4. 5. Treaty of ______ that ended WWI
  5. 6. Punishment of Germany following WWI
  6. 7. Legislation in the United States creating a draft
  7. 8. International Org. designed to protect world peace following the end of WWI
  8. 10. Germany's plan to win WWI and avoid fighting on 2 fronts
  9. 12. The country left out of the Paris Peace Conferences
  10. 15. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
  11. 18. USA, Great Britain, France, Japan, Russia