  1. 4. The nickname for the American Soldiers during WWI.
  2. 6. Germany swears to support Austria-Hungary in any actions it takes against Serbia
  3. 7. Territory between enemy trenches. It was very dangerous.LusitaniaLusitaniaLusitania
  4. 9. In 1917, a telegram was sent from Germany to Mexico and stated that if Mexico would declare war on the U.S., Germany would help them reclaim lost territories.
  5. 14. American boat that was sunk by the German U-boats; made America consider entering WWI. 139 American lives lost.
  6. 16. In WWI, the area in Russia where the armies of the Allies and the Central Powers battled each other
  7. 18. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman Empire
  8. 19. A type of fighting in which both sides dig trenches and attempt to attack the enemy's trenches
  9. 20. information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause
  1. 1. An organization of most nations formed after WWI to promote to help contras workout their problems instead of going to war. It solved very few disputes, and lacked power leading up to WWII
  2. 2. 28th President of the United States that led the United States in World War I and created the League of Nations.
  3. 3. A state of peace agreed to between enemies so they can discuss peace terms.
  4. 5. Cause of WWI
  5. 8. Weapon that caused stalemate
  6. 10. World War I alliance of Britian, France, and Russia, and later joined by Italy and the United States
  7. 11. In WWI, the border of France, Germany and Belgium where the armies of the Allies and the Central Powers battled each other
  8. 12. French Military Leader
  9. 13. plan created by President Wilson that hoped to establish peace
  10. 15. assassinated by a Serbian in 1914. His murder was one of the causes of WWI
  11. 17. Payment for war damages