WWI Crossword

  1. 7. A geographical region in Southeast Europe that includes countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania, and Serbia.
  2. 9. An effort to prevent goods and/or people from entering or leaving a country.
  3. 10. Powers They included Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
  4. 11. The name for German submarines.
  5. 14. Information used and distributed to present a biased side of an issue.
  6. 15. - A peace treaty between the Where the Bolsheviks granted a large amount of land to Germany.
  7. 16. This document told the Austro-Hungarians that the Germans would have their back in any conflict.
  8. 18. The Big Four were the leaders from the four Major Allies including Britain, France, Italy, and the United States.
  9. 20. The region of fighting that took place in Northern France.
  10. 22. This was the most aggressive Russian attack in WWI.
  11. 23. The first battle here stopped the German advance into France and established Trench warfare.
  12. 26. Formed after World War I. It was a group of governments that strived to prevent wars and protect independent nations. It was replaced by the United Nations after World War II.
  13. 27. An alliance between a number of countries including Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and Japan.
  14. 28. Large and heavily armored battleships.
  15. 29. This boring type of warfare was the dominant style of warfare in WWI.
  16. 31. The nickname for US soldiers in World War I.
  17. 32. The original alliance between Russia, France, and Britain. It later became the Allied Powers.
  18. 33. The German Emperor.
  1. 1. This battle established British dominance and the blockade in North Sea
  2. 2. A large luxury passenger ship that was sunk by a German submarine. Over 1,000 passengers were killed.
  3. 3. Payment that the losers of a war must pay to the victors.
  4. 4. - A person who is enlisted into the army whether they want to join or not..
  5. 5. The area between the front lines of two enemy trenches.
  6. 6. the name of the assassination group that killed Archduke Ferdinand.
  7. 8. A secret telegram from Germany that was intercepted by the British. It requested an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the United States.
  8. 12. A faction of the communist Marxist Party in Russia that gained power during the Russian Revolution.
  9. 13. The Front in the fighting between Germany and Russia.
  10. 17. A strategy that Germany had for fighting a war on two fronts: one against France and one against Russia.
  11. 19. This battle killed 800,000 British Troops.
  12. 21. This ineffective battle lead to 400k German, 400k British and 200k French deaths.
  13. 24. Large, heavy guns used on land warfare.
  14. 25. President Woodrow Wilson issued these as his goals for an end to World War I and lasting peace.
  15. 30. An agreement by both sides to stop fighting while a peace treaty is negotiated.