WWI Review

  1. 4. Emerged as a world power after WWI. They didn't join the League of Nations which weakened the organization. This country also didn't suffer as many causalities since they joined the war later than most.
  2. 5. The ____ ______ clause placed sole responsibility for the war on Germany and forced them to have $33 billion in reparations to the Allies.
  3. 7. This occurs when countries are devoting all their resources to the war effort.
  4. 8. This side of the war includes Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.
  5. 10. The idea that people should be allowed to decide for themselves under what government they wished to live.
  6. 12. This side of the war includes Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, the U.S., and more.
  7. 13. Alliance made up of Britain, France, and Russia at the onset of WWI.
  8. 14. One-sided information designed to boost morale and encourage people to support or join the war
  9. 17. identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
  10. 19. Alliance made up of Germany and Austria-Hungary at the onset of WWI.
  11. 21. Style of warfare mostly seen on the Western Front; characterized by opposing armies digging trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire.
  12. 22. A truce; an agreement to stop fighting
  13. 23. One example of a military technology that was introduced during WWI. Today, countries around the world use this and even have branches of their military dedicated to this. (Hint: U.S. Air Force)
  14. 25. Considered the "powder keg" of Europe. Nationalistic sentiments in this region led to assassination of Franz Ferdinand, archduke of Austria-Hungary.
  15. 26. International organization dedicated to maintaining peace.
  1. 1. Situation where neither side of the war can make progress.
  2. 2. The glorification of military power and desire for a country to always have a standing army.
  3. 3. The treaty created after World War WWI. Called the "Treaty of ___."
  4. 4. German policy that began in 1917. German submarines would sink any ship without warning if it was around Britain. Their goal was to establish a naval blockade.
  5. 6. An action taken by a strong nation to control another country; empire building.
  6. 9. The "final straw" that caused the U.S. to join the war. This was a secret telegram sent by Germany to Mexico in an attempt to have Mexico ally with them.
  7. 11. Money that has to be paid back to someone because they were wronged.
  8. 15. Was an important part of the Allied war effort. This country fought against Germany on the Eastern Front and later left the war as they underwent their own revolution.
  9. 16. American President who asked Congress to declare war on Germany. Also responsible for his 14 Points plan about how to establish peace after the war.
  10. 18. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand set off a chain reaction (think alliances) that led to WWI.
  11. 20. Passenger ship that was sunk in 1915. 128 Americans died on board. This was the first instance of American outrage for the war.
  12. 24. People could only buy limited amounts of items needed for the sake of the war effort.