WWI Vocabulary

  1. 4. Points Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace after the war
  2. 5. submarines during WWI,used especially by the Germans
  3. 7. Man’s Land area of destruction and danger between the two enemy trenches during WWI
  4. 10. a battle involving planes, with pilots shooting at each other while in flight
  5. 11. powers Great Britain, France, Serbia, Russia, and the U.S.
  6. 12. the payments to cover war damages
  7. 14. fever A highly contagious rickettsial disease transmitted by lice, that infected soldiers in the trenches in World War I.
  8. 15. title given to a pilot who made 5 successful enemy kills
  9. 16. a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force
  10. 18. of Versailles treaty that ended the war in 1919
  1. 1. giant hydrogen filled blimps that were used to drop explosives in WWI
  2. 2. meant to sway the public's opinion for or against something. It can come in the form of songs, flyers, posters, and slogans.
  3. 3. bonds U.S. bonds sold during World War I to raise money for loans to the Allies.
  4. 6. Baron name given to the famous German Dogfighter and Ace during WWI
  5. 8. Policy of aggressive military preparedness.
  6. 9. having pride in your country
  7. 13. powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, The Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and Italy
  8. 17. Service Act (1917) Law that required men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for the draft into the armed forces.