WWW 4b Wes Starr

  1. 3. your paradise
  2. 5. contrary to what is usual
  3. 6. an abnormal fear of being in closed or confined places
  4. 8. very grand or splendid
  5. 9. a dentist who specializes in straightening teeth
  6. 11. to confirm the truth
  7. 13. a cold blooded reptile that can live in water and on land
  1. 1. the total number of people inhabiting a country, city, area
  2. 2. a woman who acts as head of a family
  3. 4. the internal bony support
  4. 7. a hand-held, funnel-shaped device used to amplify and direct the sound of a voice
  5. 10. involving much bloodshed
  6. 12. to argue or debate